If you want to get in touch with us or report a problem or fault, please use the new contact form that you find here.
For some time now, we have been part of Grannsamverkan, which is a concept for making residential areas less attractive for criminal activities. Here are...
We wish everyone a very happy Midsummer!
Uppdatering: Målning av farthinder kommer att ske vecka 27. Uppdatering: Preliminärt datum för parkeringarna nedanför Spelvägen 1 är onsdag 22 juni. Föreningen har beställt målning…
The pothole on the sidewalk at Spelvägen 1 at the entrance to the car park has now finally been repaired by the municipality after report from our chairman.
We are planning to replace the heat exchangers and to refurbish the plant room during the autumn. The equipment is old and has to be replaced. The new equipment will also provide better opportunities for adjustment...
The roof of the low part at Spelvägen 1 - the old boiler house - has been rebuilt and has been finally inspected.
The radon survey made earlier this year has been approved and has been submitted to Miljöförvaltningen.
Our website will soon also be available in English. Translations are added gradually. While translations are missing, Swedish text will be displayed on the English pages.